Wednesday, September 22, 2010

water skiing

This summer I got the chance to go water skiing. After countless tries, I finally stood up (only for about 7 seconds but still an accomplishment for everyone out there).

It was while I was skiing that I learned something and if had nothing to do with how to water-ski.

I was sitting in the water in a semi-fetal like position…waiting.

Waiting for the boat to start moving so I would start moving.
Waiting for the rope to filter through my hands until the handle came to them.
Waiting for the moment of “oh, crap here we go again.”

While I was waiting on most of my attempts, I was “sitting” there going through all the things I needed to do in order to be successful:

            Knees bent.
            Arms out straight.
            Arms not pulling back but relaxed yet holding on.
            Like you’re sitting.
            Wait to stand up.
            Keep that position.
            Don’t let the water pull off your shorts. (That makes a successful attempt too.)

It wasn’t until several tries later and lots of yelled encouragement from good friends on the boat that it hit me.

I can try and stand up all I want but I won’t be able to do it. Without the boat, I am stuck there in the water pretty much useless (you should see me with the skis on my feet, flopping around as I try to them both on my feet). Even when the boat is going and I am being pulled, if I try to stand up on my own too early, I get a mouth full of Lake Palestine.

It’s only when I use the boat at the right time and let the boat and rope do what they are designed to do, do I successfully stand up.

Now for what I learn (a long time coming, right?)

I can’t do it on my own. I need the help of the boat to get me on my feet. I have to hold on and be PATIENT. I had to learn to lean back and trust that the boat and rope would pull me up. It always pulled me up or tried until I got in the way. When I tried to control or stabilize myself, I would collapse into the water.

This is my spiritual life. 

So many times I don’t trust the Lord (boat/rope) to guide my life. I think that I can do it on my own and end up frustrated and crying (soaked with lake water). I don’t really believe that the Lord is going to pull me up. I don’t really think He knows best. I think I do.

I so often believe the “little g” god that is my sinful nature rather than the “Big G” God who created the entire Universe. I don’t listen to Him when I need to be patient about something. When I try to stand up on my own, leaning on my own understandings, I fall.

However, when I wait for God to pull me up first, leaning on His understanding, then I can stand without frustration and tears. I can stand with excitement and joy.

This summer I was reading through Psalm 119 as I prayed for a desire for the Word of God. One of the verses that hit me and stuck was Psalm 119:109, which says:

“Though I constantly take my life in my hands, I will not forget your law.”

I continually try to pull myself up and get on my feet by myself. Yet, that gets me nowhere and exhausts me emotionally, physically and prayerfully. However, when I surrender to Him and let Him take me where He wants, I am end up on my feet, skiing behind Him and following His wakes. That is where I find joy, fun, and purpose.

Plus, it’s one heck of a ride.

(I am guessing that it is a great ride as far as actual water-skiing goes, seeing as how I have never stood up for longer than a few seconds. I swallowed a lot of water that time because I was smiling so big as my face hit the waves. Oops.)

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